To be honest there is nothing much about me worth knowing. I live in an island, enjoys being a photographer at times and dance like no one else business. Thats all. I can't think what to write for now so it just stays like this. Welcome to the little life of mine and lets try not to get utterly bored, shall we?


We're all mad here

First 19!
Sunday, May 20, 2012 @ 5/20/2012 10:51:00 PM

I realized my posts are losing its sense of chronological order. HAHA that's because life is so chaotic..

For the post "another 19" I must first explain who is the first 19.. HAHA and that is ESTHER!! ARGH I am such a horrible friend I forgotten her birthday a few weeks ago. Plus she brought me to watch "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" for free....*hides in hole*

I love my friends *sobs *

Ok anyway review coming up! Welcome to the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel!

 Esther assumed it was a porn movie because of the words "exotic" and "hotel" LOL.

Remember the last time I watched a film with her? We cried like mad crazy and I was like what-the-shit-blubbering. Thankfully, this time round, I was fully aware of what sort of movie this is and without a doubt, it made me feel good just like any feel-good movie would do.

I love old people. I love the entire cast here, talk about superb acting! And I especially love Maggie Smith aka Professor McGonagall and Bill Nighy aka Giant Octopus Face. Yes thats right,


HAHA how can you not love him?! Also Judi Dench is pretty kickass. But my favourite character of all in this movie was the sex-crazed old man, Norman played by Ronald Pickup. Anyway claimed to be an Eat-Pray-Love for the septuagenarians, it is NOTHING LIKE IT! Please, I wanted to dig my eyes out in the movie Eat Pray Love but Marigold Hotel is SO MUCH MORE.

I am super lazy to type out the entire plot but lets just say I choose to watch this over again then watch the much hyped Avengers.

Here's the trailer:

After the movie, we ate sushi while standing which led Esther to be q.high because "it felt like Japan" all over again to her :D I've never been to Japan so I just stuffed food into my mouth as she gushed. It's nice to watch all my friends turning 19...

Why they dont act 19, I have no idea why. It must be enjoyable to know that on this day, all of a sudden you aged. It comes so quickly and quietly I bet none of them really absorbed the nineteeness of it all.