To be honest there is nothing much about me worth knowing. I live in an island, enjoys being a photographer at times and dance like no one else business. Thats all. I can't think what to write for now so it just stays like this. Welcome to the little life of mine and lets try not to get utterly bored, shall we?


We're all mad here

how do i begin to describe 2016?
Thursday, August 10, 2017 @ 8/10/2017 12:15:00 PM

in the aftermath of a breakup, all that is left are only what ifs, should haves and dafuqs.

I tried to train Google Photos to hide all pictures of him. So much for deep-learning. Honestly, if the software is smart enough to recognise the face why cant it archive all of it?! There is an archive function, there is a face recognition function so?!

Spent National Day with Esther at Camp Kilo sipping on rosé and people watching. We were both dressed in maroon coloured clothes (I like to think that we looked like blops of cattleya flowers against the lush green backdrop).

Not so cheap thrill. Everything was so ridiculously priced there but then again welcome to Singapore. We went from Lavender to our next destination at Orchard to eat KFC in Lido only for me to realize that it no longer exists there anymore. ("That was long time ago since Crescent Days LAH!"-Esther "If you knew earlier why didnt you tell me!" ALAMAK. It appears that my memories felt reliable in the days of my youth whereby short bursts of happiness were etched forever slid into the harsh present of a non-KFC-Lido reality. ) PLUS we missed our bus stop so we obiked from Tanglin to Shaw I was wearing a bodycon dress and heels but my head was dreaming about fried chicken so no problems at all.

With no food in our stomaches we boarded onto 111 in hopes of catching fireworks at Dawson Skyville only to meet Singaporeans competing with Singaporeans ironically to celebrate Singapore. (Esther words not mine)  "Oi quick stand here if not cannot see! You don't stand other people come and stand already!" said a lady in mid-forties with a sweaty pug like face, shoving and pushing amidst an already dense and irritated crowd, hollering at her daughter who was standing right next to her. Took a $2 grab to HV in the end and had Mexican food before calling it a day.

We boarded a HDB lift with a guy sitting on a bicycle/motorcycle hybrid inside it. Aunties and uncles just heck care its a jungle life after all.

Monday, August 31, 2015 @ 8/31/2015 10:41:00 AM

moved to :


Friday, August 28, 2015 @ 8/28/2015 11:17:00 AM

okok i think maybe im going to abandon blogger and shift to tumblr? i dont know just too much past here and spam. I wonder if this happens in real life too. you want to start anew and not carry the past with you. i mean i always thought of changing to tumblr except its not very writing friendly but these days i dont know if i want something writing friendly because i am doing so little writing :(

for 186bf
@ 8/28/2015 10:35:00 AM


im back

Wednesday, July 8, 2015 @ 7/08/2015 02:41:00 AM

london is barbaric. i guess im not going to live there anymore. or at least that was the plan. I havent been blooging for so long because i haventbeen able to write for so long but if it helps, traveling to london i have brought a total of 5 books, Rimbaud's hell, Albert Calmus's the fall, Lena Dunham's Not that kind of girl, a mystery thriller and a slim pink poetry book from an unknown poet. reading inspires writing and writing inspires reading and so forth. running helps meto survive in between. the weather is getting better. or worse. let's just say i had too high expectations for london and it turns out to be exactly the same as Singapore except with snobbish Brits and unbearable heat.

i watched The Prestige yesterday and i am reevaluating Nolan's work now. I really loved that film from him although momento and inception were meh for me. its making me think about the concept of obsession and sacrifice now.

i guess the best part of the london trip was that i was alone and really able to do tons of lit-ish stuff that brings out the crazy fan girl in me. visiting the Plath's grave at Hepstonstall was a high for me. it really was nice to get out form the hustle and bustle of city life and just go on to a small town (you have no idea how small it is. the population is smaller than Crescent and the place was just so out of the way that and every cottage so sparsely spread out i felt like i was in another dimension of the universe that was enchanted.

also meeting taky and mandy was da best.

life's pretty chill now.

ice lollies. sunny days in sweden. ootds. no worries. no fantasies. just livin life like bitch have no money. cheap thrills, cycling in the forests. kite flying maybe its time to take a swim in the lake. i dont know. i dont care. fucking wind whips on my face. its so chilly i gotta blow my nose which drips like faucet thanks to the lack of sleep in the uk. ireland and scotland rocks my socks. took a ferry to cross from england to ireland. wish i had more energy to appreciate it rather than spend time sleeping like a log.

i would think that coming to Europe would made me find out more about myself but actually it only opens up more new questions. i am in a more unstable state than i ever was. but i guess im better at rolling with this shit. hell yes to new things and changes and dangers.


Monday, May 18, 2015 @ 5/18/2015 03:36:00 PM

France exceeds expectations.
Spain is esoteric.
In Italy everything is crazy largesse. Nothing is in moderation.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 @ 4/22/2015 08:55:00 AM

Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?