To be honest there is nothing much about me worth knowing. I live in an island, enjoys being a photographer at times and dance like no one else business. Thats all. I can't think what to write for now so it just stays like this. Welcome to the little life of mine and lets try not to get utterly bored, shall we?


We're all mad here

Catching Fire and Saturday
Thursday, December 5, 2013 @ 12/05/2013 10:38:00 AM

So someone had gotten me free tickets to Catching Fire....HAHA thanks again Cheryl! (I'm so glad I watch it with you even though it was during exam week. Super worth it! In fact, I saw A LOT of you during the past few weeks! Hope you don't get sick of me too soon anyway you're heading to Cambodia so what's the harm?)

I found myself surprised that I preferred Catching Fire more than the first movie, the Hunger Games. I guess most of it have got to do with the fact that the movie was much more emotionally charged than action-packed. However I do think at times it was unnecessarily long though.

Hooray! My examinations are over and yet for once I don't really feel elated like I usually do. Returning home from my room in Nus, I feels like its time to return back to reality, my family- that's where the real stress comes from.

“This is the pain-pleasure of having newly adult children; they're

 innocent and ruthless in forgetting their sweet old dependence.” -

Saturday, Ian McEwan.

(Haha no! I realize I will always love you my idiotic drama crazy 


And I brought Ian McEwan's Saturday and Atonement (at the price of 2 for $5! Take that megabookstores! Of course they're rather yellow in their pages but I wouldn't complain! Plus it's not really often you can get what you want in second-hand bookstores I was SO happy when I found it squeezed between a chick-lit book and self-help.)

I was dying to read Saturday during my examinations but I couldn't and so now aha! I spend a rather cozy evening yesterday with Cheryl at Utown Starbucks trying to finish it. And it was good! Honestly, the Neuroscience mod that I took turn out more useful than imagined because in Saturday the protagonist Henry Perowne is a neurosurgeon and the author actually shadowed a neurosurgeon in reality to write paragraphs filled with technical jargons which I am impressed by myself to understand what "fusiform gyrus" means.

The whole story occur over Saturday and now that I'm finished with it I'm experiencing the same sort of unease and anxiety which Henry felt. A product of a consumerist society, post 9/11 living a comfortable modern lifestyle yet some awareness of the chaos around me.

“He's feeling a pull, like gravity, of the approaching TV news. It's a condition of the times, this compulsion to hear how it stands with the world, and be joined to the generality, to a community of anxiety. The habit's grown stronger these past two years; a different scale of news value has been set by monstrous and spectacular scenes. [...] Everyone fears it, but there's also a darker longing in the collective mind, a sickening for self-punishment and a blasphemous curiosity. Just as the hospitals have their crisis plans, so the television networks stand ready to deliver, and their audiences wait. Bigger, grosser next time. Please don't let it happen. But let me see it all the same, as it's happening and from every angle, and let me be among the first to know.” 

Unlike me however, Henry is non-believer and sees morality through his scientific knowledge. Reminds me of my prof. Society is improving so where is all the frustrations and fear coming from?