To be honest there is nothing much about me worth knowing. I live in an island, enjoys being a photographer at times and dance like no one else business. Thats all. I can't think what to write for now so it just stays like this. Welcome to the little life of mine and lets try not to get utterly bored, shall we?


We're all mad here

eat me. drink me.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @ 3/16/2010 09:29:00 PM

"Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late" says the White Rabbit as he takes out a watch out of his waistcoat pocket.

That was like me the entire day. The timing were all screwed up. Literature Workshop conducted in school was a chore. Supposedly starts at 12 but delayed till 1 instead. Was to end at 3pm but ends at 345 instead. Was suppose to watch Alice in Wonderland at 330 but ends up catching the 445 one instead. Rush here rush there. Rush like mad.

THANKFULLY THE MOVIE WAS QUITE GOOD :D. I had high expectations for it, (seeing that I'm quite a fan of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventure in Wonderland) -my entire blog is somewhat dedicated to the book.... LOL and Birdfriend only just found out -_-". Downtherrabbithole, throughthelookingglass, curiouserandcuriouser- gah all the allusions to it! How can you not know?!

HAHA THE WHITE QUEEN IS MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER IN THE MOVIE! SURPRISE surprise! Alright actually I love the Mad Hatter in the story book but Johnny Depp portrayal although FABULOUS was not really my interpretation of it.. he made it more like a flawed sympathic complicated character (gave it more depth) rather than just simply going all out to be well, mad.

Anne Hathaway's character however was seriously funny throughout the entire show. It was not intentional I guess but her exaggerated gracefulness just made me feel like myself if I try damn hard to be 姑娘. A complete fool. Haha to make things even funnier, a HC guy sitting next to me mimics her actions in the theater each time Anne Hathaway's character makes an appearance! DAMN GAY! It was hilarious! Even Birdfriend agreed! HE JUST DOES IT SHAMELESSLY! OMG.

BUT ANYWAY I like the WHITE QUEEN :D. She said this epic line that made me quoted her non-stop after the movie ( causing Birdfriend to shift away from me each time I does it as if I'm some complete freak )

Me: " It is not in my nature to harm anything" * does elaborate hand actions that accompanies it*

Birdfriend: "I shall pretend not to know you..." *walks away rapidly*.

Me: "Wait! We must walk gracefully" *tries to drift gently across*

HAHA and then after that we started talking about ideal boyfriend blood type! LOL. It started with her telling me about some variety show on blood type and the person personality that follows.... I MUST CONFIRM SOMETHING FIRST>>> (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ) CONFIRM YOUR TYPE IS B+! ITS INESCAPABLE!! MUHAHA WHATS WRONG WITH B+ ANYWAY? YOU ARE ALREADY SURROUNDED BY THEM HAHAHAA :DDD.

Irregardless, I cant remember much except that B+ guys are the worst of all kind! :D. ( to all single ladies: this was re-confirm by both of us! dont get a boyfriend with b+ blood type!) Can't believe that includes my dad and birdfriend's dad :) Never mind we still love you !